Boyu Studio – Dragon

龍,在中華文化中具有深刻的象徵和寓意,是極具代表性的神話動物。2024恰逢12年一次的龍年,攜手設計師 Boyu Chien,K LASER Design Lab. 將當代設計與先進的雷射技術無縫結合,創造出一個傳統與創新共存的新維度。K LASER 的雷射光學拍攝技術提供最專業的客製化開版設計(Custom Hologram Origination),廣泛應用於防偽認證及品牌保護,這次首度實驗性地將現代書法與浮雕拍版效果(Holographic Stereo Relief Effect)結合,在筆墨間增添具有流動金屬質感的光影變化,以全新的型態詮釋「龍的神態」霸氣與張力。
In collaboration with designer Boyu Chien, K Laser Design Lab. seamlessly merges contemporary calligraphy with cutting-edge holographic technology. By fusing traditional culture with holographic design, this venture embarks on a journey to unleash creative dimensions beyond the strokes of ink, bringing together heritage and innovation through the mythical essence of the dragon (龍).
Graphic Design & Calligraphy by Boyu Studio
Holographic Design by K Laser Design Lab.
Hologram Production by K Laser Technology
Printed by J-Long Printing